Do you have Diabetic Nerve Pain?

Local research studies are enrolling now!*

  • Payment up to $450
  • No-cost study-related medication
  • No-cost study-related care from local doctors and specialists

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You may qualify for local research studies

People with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes can develop nerve damage over time. Some people with nerve damage have no symptoms. Others may feel pain, tingling, burning or numbness in the hands, arms, feet, and legs. This is called Diabetic Nerve Pain. The risk of Diabetic Nerve Pain rises as you get older and the longer you have diabetes.

Better treatment options are needed for people who struggle with Diabetic Nerve Pain. Right now, doctors are looking for people to participate in local research studies.

There’s no cost and no obligation. See if you qualify!

*In a clinical research study, the participants get an investigational medication under the supervision of a study doctor and other research professionals for the duration of the study. In some studies, some people receive the investigational medication while others receive an inactive medication. Additionally, compensation may be provided to cover time and travel, which may include multiple study visits, and the amounts vary, depending on the study for which you may qualify.

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AcurianHealth helps connect people with clinical research studies that offer treatments under development. We carefully match thousands of people to hundreds of research studies all over the world.